Monday, January 28, 2019

Things to Know About Congestive Heart Failure

Heart disease continues to claim many lives even in this 21st Century of medical advancement and abundance of education on proper diet and exercise. For improved overall health, it's imperative to take good care of your heart. Today is a good day to start!

There are many health issues associated with heart disease, which includes Congestive Heart Failure, abbreviated as CHF. This is not actually a disease but rather a condition of the heart. CHF results from prolonged overworking of the heart. When your heart is forced to work extra hard for many years, it can develop this condition where the normal blood flow slows.

Slowness in blood flow has a negative impact on the rest of the body. When this occurs, the heart is not able to pump oxygenated blood with the force required. Consequently, your organs and tissues won’t get sufficient oxygen, which negatively interferes with how they function. Luckily, if this condition is detected and diagnosed early enough, it is easy to control and manage.

What are some of the symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure (If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention):
1. Severe chest pains and persistence cough
2. Swollen legs, ankles, and abdomen - this is as a result of fluid retention in the body.
3. Shortness of breath is also a common symptom for CHF. 
4. Fatigue even after doing very light activities.

There are many factors that can expose you to congestive heart failure. Some of the factors include the following:
· If you have diabetes.
· Coronary Artery Disease.
· High blood pressure which causes thickening of heart muscles
· Infections or diseases that make the heart muscles weak or stiff.
· Living an unhealthy lifestyle. For instance not exercising regularly or smoking of tobacco.
· Continued exposure to toxins, such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol.
· Damaged heart valves and prolonged cardiac arrhythmia.
· Kidney diseases.
· Emotional stress and depression.
· Liver diseases.
· High salt intake
· Nutritional deficiencies. 

Keep close tabs on the health of your heart, and get your annual medical exams. Early detection of CHF can make all the difference between making simple lifestyle changes and more severe medical solutions.  

Live Life to its Fullest

4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329
Disclaimer:  This information is provided as an educational service only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.  Anyone seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

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