Wednesday, December 26, 2018

3 Common Causes of Sports injuries

There are few ways to improve your overall health and keep fit than through engaging in sports activities. Many sports including football, baseball, cycling, swimming, and weightlifting can be vigorous activities. They all demand intense physical & mental power and endurance. In addition, becoming an avid athlete requires consistent and often times intense training. Unfortunately, many athletes suffer minor or major injuries either during training or when performing.

Here are 3 common (and preventable) causes of sports injuries.

1. Unfitness and inflexibility
Many sportspeople experience predictable or unpredictable injuries due to inflexibility and unfitness. The avoidance of regular training sessions, unhealthy eating habits, fatigue and dehydration can make any person unfit. Some athletes can trace their injuries directly to their inactivity. Stay in the game by systematically building your strength, agility, balance, power, coordination, and flexibility. Don’t let avoidable injuries such as muscle strain, lower back pain, and joint soreness be the reasons why you are not doing what you enjoy doing.

2. Inappropriate footwear and uneven surfaces
Athletes who have a tendency of changing their footwear frequently are more prone to those who stick to their comfortable and effective sports shoes. It’s important to find comfortable and well-designed footwear to help prevent unnecessary foot, ankle and knee injuries. Playing or training on uneven surfaces is yet another common cause of typical injuries to the hip joints, knees, lower back, shin splints, and ankles. Athletes should never compromise in regard to their preferred footwear and training/playing surfaces.

3. Fatigue
Fatigue can easily make an athlete vulnerable to both minor and major injuries. Common fatigue-related sports injuries include; lower back, knee, hip and ankle injuries. Every successful sportsperson understands the importance of having sufficient sleep. Over-training and overworking yourself will not solve your coordination, speed, agility or flexibility problems. Embrace smart training methods and spend enough hours to enjoy your sleep for more productive and enjoyable sports sessions.

Live Life to its Fullest

4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329
Disclaimer:  This information is provided as an educational service only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.  Anyone seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

Sports Medicine Lubbock