Monday, September 25, 2017

Coaches’ guide: common sports injuries

In sports, coaches are largely praised for a win and blamed when a team loses. They are the motivation behind the success of the team. Being a coach requires more than understanding the game. It requires that you know the common sports injuries, their prevention and how to treat them.
There are long term and acute injuries in sports. Most long term injuries require scheduling a visit with an orthopedic surgeon or physician. However, for the less acute injuries, the coach or trainer may easily take care of them. Below is a walk-through of the common sports injuries and how they can be treated and/or prevented.

·      Cuts, bruises and abrasions
Many players avoid injuries by taking preventive measures. But even then, accidents happen.  In the field, cuts and abrasions are very common. It is typically the duty of the coach or the team doctor to ensure that the first aid kit is equipped with bandages, cotton wool and antiseptics. Once you observe a player bleeding, take them out of practice or the game and safely clean the wound. Blood is infectious and care should be taken when cleaning. The cut should then be dressed to avoid more bleeding or risk of other contaminants. For serious cases, seek medical attention for stitches and examination.
·      Muscle cramps
Some coaches employ the tough approach to players. Yelling and pushing them to the limits. This can lead to muscle cramps due to over-stretching or exertion. Other causes include dehydration, poor conditioning and electrolyte depletion. A coach should know when to stop the training to avoid muscle cramps. If it happens while the player is in action, the player should be pulled off the game and stretch to ease the muscles. Massaging the affected muscle also helps. Muscle cramps are not very serious but can be very painful.
·      Fractures
Broken arms, legs and fingers are some of the common fractures. Fractures in kids should be treated seriously as they may affect their musculoskeletal growth. Fractures could also do some serious damage in adults in sports. A coach should help the recovery process by benching the player till the injury has fully healed.  As a quick first aid tip, you should apply ice and compression technique to avoid inflammation as you wait for professional medical attention. Fractures can be life threatening especially leg fracture affecting the femoral artery. Examine the nature of the fracture and give proper attention.
·      Runners knee
Runners knee is caused by overuse of muscles that lead to tendon irritation. A sharp pain in the kneecap is a sign of runners knee. It affects movement, causing one to limp. It is always good to advise your team to replace insoles and shoes regularly to avoid runners knee. You can also cross train the players to avoid overuse of certain muscles. To avoid further injury, the coach should remove the player from the game and offer some time for rest and rehab.
·      Concussion
Concussion is common in contact sports. The symptoms to watch out for are dizziness, vision disturbance, nausea, disorientation, headaches and loss of balance. It takes a couple of weeks or a month to heal. If not well attended, it can be life threatening. Coaches should examine their players for these signs and take corrective measures if present.
·      Sprains and strains
These types of injuries are painful and result from tendon or ligament tear. An immediate course of action is to place ice on the affected area. Most sprains and strains need the Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE) approach. The technique reduces inflammation and limits internal bleeding.

Dislocations are another common sport injury, and pain only lasts a few weeks. Players have been known to continue playing with the above injuries. As a coach, help prevent the injuries from becoming more serious by pulling the player out of the activity and offering first aid if possible.

Remember to live life to its Fullest

4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329
Disclaimer:  This information is provided as an educational service only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.  Anyone seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

Sports Medicine Lubbock

Why Walking Is Good For Your Health

Walking is the easiest and the best form of exercise that most anyone can engage in as far as health and wellness is concerned. Walking is not complicated, is natural, and requires minimal or no equipment to perform. It is low impact, can be done by anybody at any time and above all usually causes little or no injuries.  The following are some of the numerous benefits of walking and why it is good for your health;

Reduces the risk of heart diseases
Studies show that walking on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases which includes heart problems as well as stroke. Walking lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body while at the same time increasing the HDL cholesterol levels in the body. Increased HDL (good) cholesterol levels help in keeping blood pressure under control.
Lowers type 2 diabetes
According to a study conducted by the British Medical Journal, walking on a daily basis can help prevent type 2 diabetes. On top of that, walking can also reduce the risk of contracting asthma and also some cancers. Among the cancers that walking may help prevent or reduce includes cancer of the colon, womb and breast cancer. It may be high time you took your evening strolls very seriously.
Helps in maintaining a healthy weight
In order for you to lose weight, it is important that you burn more calories than you eat on a daily basis. Walking is one of the easiest ways of burning calories. This is attributed to the fact that when you walk each and every movable part of your body is involved. This means that each muscle responsible for the movement of these parts is exercised in the process. The energy used in the movement of these body parts is derived from burning of body fat stored in the fatty cells, and hence the loss of weight. 
Helps in preventing dementia
A recent study showed that a huge percentage of the elderly population suffers from dementia simply because of the reduced brain activity. Being active has a positive effect on the brain function and helps it to be alert. This reduces dementia. So, be smart by reducing the risk of dementia with a daily walk.
If you thought walking is not important to your health, rethink again. From the above health benefits of walking it is clear to suggest that taking a walk on a daily basis is important to your general health. Therefore, if your goal is to stay fit and maintain a healthy body, take a stroll around the neighborhood or at your local mall - at least once a day. A bit of fresh air might do you some good, as well.

Remember to live life to its Fullest

4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329
Disclaimer:  This information is provided as an educational service only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.  Anyone seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

Sports Medicine Lubbock

Alleviate Back Pain

Almost every individual suffers from back pain at some point or another in their lives. No matter the duration, dealing with this pain is not easy. Back pain may be caused by an accident, lifting of heavy loads, spending lots of hours seating down, or poor sleeping position just to mention but a few. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to manage or deal with this problem. The following are tips on how to alleviate back pain:
1. Have a good night’s sleep
Sleep problems and disturbances are common among individuals suffering from back pain. A good night’s sleep helps in repairing strained back muscles as well as soothe inflamed joints. However, to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep you need to first get a good bed. Then, try or experiment different sleeping positions. It is important to emphasize that poor sleeping position is one of the leading causes of back pain.
2. Exercise
Exercise and stretching can be helpful in dealing with a backache. Simple or basic exercises like walking and jogging are very helpful when it comes to alleviating back pain. Such exercises help in getting your body in a neutral upright position that helps in alleviating back pain. However, you should avoid strenuous activities or exercises that can strain the back muscles that may lead to back pain.
3. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight provides many disadvantages including back pain. Losing weight, especially if you have chronic back pain, is one of the best ways to alleviate the pain. Having excess weight pulling on your back for a full day strains the back muscles leading to a backache. Therefore, if you are overweight seek medical advice on how to get your weight under control. Your back will thank you.
4. Maintain a good posture
A backache may be caused by a long workout session at the gym, but the real cause of the pain may have been building up for a long period of time. Due to the buildup, a simple strain to the back muscles may cause pain. Therefore in order to help ensure that you do not strain these muscles, it is advisable to always maintain a good posture when walking, sitting or even sleeping.
5. Physiotherapy
Physical therapy can actually help relieve backache. A regular massage from an experienced specialist can help in relaxing the back muscles. It is important to point out that strained and stiff back muscles are the reason why people experience back problems. Perhaps, a regularly scheduled massage may be an effective (and relaxing) way to help alleviate back pain.

Back pain can prevent you from enjoying life and carrying out your daily activities. These are but a few methods one could employ to live a healthy life without agonizing back pain.

Remember to live life to its Fullest

4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329
Disclaimer:  This information is provided as an educational service only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.  Anyone seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

Sports Medicine Lubbock