Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Sports Medicine: Common Sports Injuries

Sports Medicine: Common Sport Injuries

The benefits that come with regular exercises are countless and astonishing. People are being encouraged each day to exercise, even if it’s just walking around your house.   The important thing is to move the body to help stay healthy and fit.  Daily fitness and flexibility are something that one should maintain, especially those active in sports. Sporting activities all require moderate to serious training. Sometimes, the body may fail us, and certain injuries may force us to give up those fun, heart-pumping activities that we love. Sports injuries may be minor or major depending on the severity of the injury, and may be debilitating either temporarily or for several months.

The most common sports injuries according to national orthopedics statistics are strains and sprains, shin splints, dislocations, fractures and knee injuries. These injuries are mainly caused by lack of proper equipment, poor training methods and accidents. Let us further explore as to what these injuries are.

Shin splints
Shin splints occur as a pain in the lower leg. The injury is common to those people who enjoy running; specifically, those who ones that run on hard pavement. Shin splints can also occur at the start of strenuous training programs. This injury is very simple to treat. Typically, all you need is a good rest and some pain medications. However, should the pain persist, it is recommended you visit a doctor for further examination.

Most of us have suffered broken bones which may have occurred during childhood or from falling on the bathroom floors or during a bike accident. Fractures take time to heal and most of the times are regarded as emergency situations.  There are several types of bone fractures, and all require professional medical attention and treatment to ensure proper healing and avoidance of a bone infection.

Strains and sprains
Strains and sprains mostly happen in people who are involved activities requiring too much physical strength or stress on certain body components. In sports, strains and sprains are a sign of lack of flexibility or an abnormal twist or impact to the affected area. These injuries often affect the muscles around the knees, ankles and the wrist. One should regularly exercise to gain flexibility and strength to avoid re-injury.

For those who watch sports such as football and rugby have seen how rough it can get on the field. Even b-ball players can play rough house. Players involved in such games are at a high risk and are more prone to dislocations. Just like fractures, dislocation is also treated as a medical emergency. Dislocations occur when the bone joints fall out of alignment. Even after the bone has been placed back into position, the tissues around the bone may be damaged, which would require proper medical treatment and rest to allow for full recovery.

Other sports injuries include groin pull, knee injuries, hamstring strain and tennis elbow. Some of these injuries can be treated and prevented through proper body conditioning and warming up before partaking in your favorite sport. In cases where the injury is severe, it may require an orthopedic surgeon to treat the injury. One should always practice proper exercising and sports techniques to help avoid these injuries, and seek medical attention if such an injury is incurred. 

Remember to live life to its Fullest

4110 22nd Place Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 792-4329
Disclaimer:  This information is provided as an educational service, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.  Anyone seeking seeking specific medical advice or assistance should consult his or her doctor or orthopedic surgeon.

Sports Medicine Lubbock